
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

Often times you may find yourself in unexpected and unexplainable situations. Perhaps you tripped clumsily over your own feet, or were pinched by something you couldn't see, or even had the feeling that someone was watching you. Sure, it could just be your imagination telling you that the fall you took was definitely your fault, that the chair was what brought you down and not an invisible faerie you felt breathing down your neck as you pulled yourself from the floor. It could be your imagination, but Asilinn knows better than that.
Stop by a pool hall and you might find Asilinn shooting a game with her playing partner, Dennis. In the game she finds a source of comfort and escape from the world she lives in, or rather the creatures that don't belong there.
These creatures, faeries, concealed beneath veils called glamours, are invisible to those lacking the Sight. Most humans don't have the Sight, aside from Asilinn, who comes from a line of women educated in the mischief behind fae. Living under the three rules of safety -- don't stare at, speak to, or attract the attention of invisible faeries --, and the steel walls of Seth's train-home, Asilinn has managed to keep her way from the fae, at least until her inevitable future as Summer Queen began its reign.

Asilinn is one of my favorite characters of a story I could think of. She's strong-willed and passionate, with a mind of her own. All of Marr's characters, actually, are extremely well-developed, which is something I definitely appreciate. One cheer.
Some people may not appreciate this, because it's cliche, but there is strong use of a love triangle, which carries on into the sequel by the way -- also a great book. The victim: Asilinn. The pointy ends: Seth, a black-haired, lip-ringed friend of Asilinn with defined abs and cool personality, and Keenan, bronze-haired Summer King, searching endlessly for his Queen to end the curse of a weakened court. Though not only is Asilinn involved in this triangle..Keenan is, too! To a woman he'd loved and attempted to make his Summer Queen. This woman, Donia, ended up not being "the One", and ended up having to carry on Keenan's curse as a scary Winter Girl. One boo for love triangles.
Sorry, I must be generous, but three cheers and an unaccountable hip-hip-hooray for an extremely well-written novel with vivid details and interesting encounters -- such as learning that Seth lives in train cars -- that are original and make a book best-seller worthy. This book really brings out the author's personality, I think, and a bit of insight into her daily mind.
I recommend this book to anyone with eyes. Enjoy it -- I know you will:).

Result:A favorite.

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