

Okay... so on "I Might Just Be A Book Addict", Kaitlyn and I have a little rating system. At the end of each review you can find our "cheers" and "boos". Nothing fancy about this system of ours, our cheers equal how many gold stars or on a scale of 1 to 10 we felt the book reviewed deserved. Our boos use the same method as our cheers but are meant for a negative rating rather than positive. The result is based on our own individual opinion about the book in general. Was it a good book? Would we recommend this to others? Did I hate it with a fiery passion? Is this possibly one of the greatest books on Earth? Questions like this pass through our (well at least my) minds when we decide on the result.

Questions and Answers
On a completly different at IMJBABA (for you non-abbreviations people) "I Might Just Be A Book Addict", we want our readers to be inquisitive. So if you've got a question like... "How do you pick books to review?" or "Where do you get your music?" or something you may feel is a stupid question like "Where does cheese come from?" We want you to ask and we will try our best to answer. So if you do have a question that is burning up your brain feel free to unburden yourself and e-mail either Kaitlyn or I, and we will respond to your question by making it a post (which will include your name or username, where you're from, and the question posed) for others (others who might have the same question...because remember "...sharing is caring") to read. Our exceptions are if you personally request not to have your answer publically viewed and if we get the same question more than five times ( we will not answer that question but redirect you to that specific post). Thanks for reading this ridonkulous "About" page.

Love.Peace.And all that jazz.